Wednesday, March 30, 2011

America,Love it,Respect it,Pray for it.

Union of Saints "Save Me Please" Live

Daily Devotional From Dr. Charles Stanley

Our Standard of Measure

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Read | Luke 6:30-38
Today I want you to think about your interactions with others in terms of filling up a bucket and pouring its contents onto those people. With that in mind, let’s consider two important factors.
First of all, what’s in your bucket? Jesus points out a number of things that we can choose to pour out on others—namely, material possessions, love, good deeds, money, mercy, and pardon. It’s quite an impressive list. And yet, the Lord calls His followers to an even higher standard. He instructs us to give to “takers,” love our enemies, do good to those who mistreat us, lend expecting nothing in return, and grant mercy and pardon to those who don’t deserve it.
Why would He call us to such extreme action? Because as God’s children, we are expected to treat others the way He treats them—for “He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men” (v. 35).
The second factor to consider is the size of our bucket. Jesus says that by our standard of measure, it will be measured back to us (v. 38). However, we are also told to expect nothing in return from those we treat with kindness (v. 35). The ultimate reward for our loving and gracious behavior will come, not from them, but from the Most High God.
What are you pouring onto others each day? By showering them with grace, you display the character of your Father and show yourself to be His child. Use a big bucket full of love and kindness, and you’ll discover that the Lord uses an even bigger bucket to lavish His goodness upon you.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Bike Blessing & Benefit Rally Sunday April 10,2011

Up Coming Events> 8th Annual Bike Blessing, Food, Music,Raffle Prizes and more, Family Friendly Event,@Kennedy's Custom Cycle. 3028 San Luis Rey Road,Oceanside,Ca  Adults $15, Kids Under 18 $5.  Sponsored By Bikers for Christ and Kennedy's Custom Cycles. Benefits St. Judes Childrens Hospital and the San Diego Chapter of BFC Downed Biker Fund